My name: Debi
Location: London
Years crocheting: Started as a kid and then picked it back up in Jan of 2011.
Pets? Kids? A teen, a boy, and the baby girl (she’s not really a baby but is my youngest), and a kitty cat.
Favorite colours: Maybe it depends on my mood..
Fave curse word: No one takes you seriously when you start swearing.. I have been known to let it slip..

Flower Lattice Pullover Shrug
Where did it all begin? When I was little my Nanny (grandma) taught me to hook. I didn’t learn much more than the basics and quickly forgot after she left. In my 20’s (circa 2002) I decided to try my hand at knitting. I picked up a small book of easy patterns and some yarn. I asked a friend about the patterns and she gave me the basics of how to read them. I then went online and found and got started on my first beanie that I gave to my oldest daughter.
In 2011 I saw a shawl my friend had made, she told me it was crochet. I immediately went out to pick up some hooks and yarn.I had this grand idea that I could make the dolls to sell. I had no idea what I was doing, used a bunch of different patterns online then just did my own thing for her dress and the flowers but when it came to the hair on my doll I had no idea what to do and she got set aside. My first project also became my first UFO (unfinished object). Check it out HERE.
I played around for a year following patterns, a lot of them I had purchased from The Lovely Crow. I loved her pattern writing style I’m sure it’s had a large influence on how I write my own work. After a year, I started to make my own items, then I decided to start writing bonnet patterns for sale. I had made about 5 bonnets but the patterns were not selling then one day I met Corina from she was writing patterns and blogging them.
I thought HEY, I can do that. I went to college for web design.. I have always had an interest in fashion design, I always wanted to have my own material store that I could sit in it and sew. People could come in and buy fabric, finished items or custom orders. I got the idea when I was a teenager working my high school co-op in a material shop. Sometimes life leads us down a journey that wasn’t exactly as planned but turns out better than ever imagined. I always dreamed of being a fashion designer when I was little, I just never imagined I’d be doing it with a hook and yarn.
I love to dance as long as I have company. I draw, sew, paint, actually any kinda art I love cause I’m most definatly a crafty person. I’d much rather have a memory than a possession any day! I believe dharma will get you in this life time equally for what you do right and wrong and karma will take care of you after you die if you don’t equal out the right and wrong. FOR EVERY ACTION THERE IS AN OPPOSITE AND EQUAL REACTION. You manifest your future through your current thoughts, think carefully. Don’t tell yourself you’ll do it tomorrow, Tomorrow never comes, there is only today!
My two favourite subjects in school were art and math. I love to create, hooking is my sanity! It’s like a big math equation that needs to be worked out. When I’m hooking.. SHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I’m counting!!